Here's some (almost) serious stuff about the movie you need to know:

VODKA ROCKS! Is a SkuFlix product, and it's for sale. Think the bitch child of Natural Born Killers and Pierrot Le Fou, a new cult comedy for the 99%. You won't get a better deal anywhere. In fact we will reimburse you if you find a similar product at a lower price. Guaranteed.


Synopsis: Slavic is on a mission: to promote a Russian vodka (alcohol & party themes popular with young male viewers). Maybe he wouldn't die for his brand, but he will kill.

He meets a beautiful woman (sex, popular with 98% viewers of all ages). She sells French wine (popular with the small educated fringe not yet reached by above). There's also a Latino guy who's pushing rum (Latin market, hot commodity of the day).

Add a dash of random violence (at no extra cost), and a healthy dose of gratuitous sex. Our three marketing guerrilleros team up to kidnap an advertising guru and force him to come up with the perfect marketing campaign for each product. They pick that particular snake because he dreamed up that award winning campaign for Swedish vodka. You know, the one with the bottle. But their American dream of marketing success collapses. In desperation, they start a guerrilla campaign that touches off full-scale war between Pepsi and Coke. Oh, you'll get your happy ending, - until it gets blown up. That's all we'll tell you for now. You'll have to show us the greenbacks to see more.


John Rubino/Arabella Hutter - SkuFlix
459 Prospect Ave, #1
Brooklyn, NY 11215